Lend a Hand

Help us carry on the tradition

Areas to Support

Make a Difference.

Current  vs. Endowed Funds

We have two types of benevolent care funds. Current use funds distribute immediately when the donation is made to the recipients. Endowed funds provide perpetual support for our mission of benevolent care. Each year, 4% of the endowment is distributed to meet the current benevolent care needs of the community. The principal balance ensures that we can continue to provide perpetual care.

Donors or organizations can name an endowed fund with a $50,000 gift. One example is when a church closes its building and donates to a community, allowing previous congregation members to have a closer connection to the mission and see the impact of their support each year. Endowed funds have also been created through five-year pledges from individuals in memory of a loved one, to support a mission close to their heart.

Specific Campaigns

Communities also have individual campaigns for capital needs and resident projects. Donations designated for these funds can be written in the memo line of a check donation or in the drop-down menu of an online donation. For more information on starting a fund, please contact Zach Heeter, mission advancement director, at mission@nationallutheran.org.

Links to community donate sites 

Donate to National Lutheran Communities & Services

Donate to The Village at Rockville

Donate to The Village at Orchard Ridge

Donate to The Legacy at North Augusta

Donate to The Village at Providence Point