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November 24, 2016
While it is a season of thanks for many, the holidays can also be a difficult time of year. It is that spirit that spurred National Lutheran Communities & Services' (NLCS) office staff to collect canned goods and non-perishable items for those in need.
The team collected $580 worth of items, amounting to 454 pounds of food donated to Rockville-based Manna Food Center on Monday, Nov. 21. Food items included canned corn and green beans, soup, peanut butter, apple sauce, macaroni and cheese, and a variety of cereal, amongst others.
Manna Food Center provides food to 5% of all Montgomery County residents. As the main food bank in Montgomery County, the majority of all local non-profit and government organizations rely on Manna to provide the food essentials their clients need.
Manna Food Center, a nonprofit organization, strives to eliminate hunger in Montgomery County through food distribution, education, and advocacy. For more information on how you can donate to Manna Food Center, please visit